The Cherish You bouquet consists of red gerbera, red carnations, green chrysanthemums, red alstroemeria and foliage.
Our Flowers
We use quality blooms to ensure freshness and maximum vase life so that you can enjoy watching the flowers transform to full bloom.
Bud to bloom
Our flowers are picked and arranged whilst in bud. This is to ensure freshness and maximum vase life as your flowers bloom. Enjoy watching the flowers transform to full bloom. Your bouquet will last for a guaranteed minimum of 7 days. Follow our flower care guide to enjoy your flowers for longer.
Dispatch Timelines:
Flowers are dispatched Monday to Friday each week by Royal Mail 24 hour post. You can therefore expect your flowers to arrive within 2-4 days of placing your order. Flowers order for Valentines Day will be dispatched on 12th February in time for flowers to arrive between 13th and 14th February.